Established in 2002, TJC Music, also known as The Judge’s Court, specializes in providing music sales and music production management services. Their expertise includes managing and/or producing music, instrumentals, lyrics, songs, jingles, soundtracks, film scoring, choreography videos, shows, and recording services for artists and businesses. For a comprehensive quote, reach out to them today! Get A Quote Now!




 Curious about our capabilities? Explore our showcase of instrumentals  to get a taste of what we can deliver. Our skilled instrumentalists craft a variety of instrumentals spanning different genres, each serving various purposes for your enjoyment!





 For the latest updates on TJC Music’s innovative instrumentations and access to their Music Library featuring original, pre-release, unreleased instrumentals, tracks, songs and other music projects! Let’s Go!!!


Family Owned – Music Trusted
© 2022 copyrights The Judge’s Court. All rights reserved.